Delivery Booking Software

Admin and Dispatcher panel

OnDemandAppz provides modernized parcel delivery solution. The admin and dispatcher can enjoy the convenience of technology at each step till the package gets delivered. The real-time tracking facility, status update for each parcel and earning statistics assist to analyze and strategize the business. Push notifications are a powerful way of marketing, thus the admin can send customized push notifications to the user/driver,.

Try our Live Demo to witness our key features.


User mobile application

The user can deliver or process more orders in less time. The user can utilize our multiple drop location feature that automates optimal routes for swift multiple deliveries. They can also live track the parcel and can give driver ratings/feedback for any improvements.


Driver mobile application

Fully automated real-time route planning option enables the driver to enjoy the convenience of technology. Real-time alert allows the driver to plan and manage the deliveries on time. Going paper-free, drivers are equipped to get digital signatures after shipment unload. Customer rating feature also enables the driver to have smooth business conduct.

  • Hosting credentials with the URL of authentication, please check twice your credentials
  • The domain name must be registered and linked with a folder in your file manager
  • Php version: 7.2.x
  • Your hosting must have fileinfo, file_open, exif, proc_open extensions enabled
  • Your server should allow
  • Your server must have https enabled on your domaine
  • Your app icon generated from
  • The main color of your app (Ex: #FFCDD1)
  • Your gmail account credentials for enabling push notification.
  • Nb: You can create new one for just notification, and disable double authentication on it
  • Google developers account credentials if you want to upload the app on Google Play Store.
  • Nb: Please disable double authentication on it, please don’t send us an invitation to your account
  • * We are not responsible for google play publication, it is controlled by google.
  • Please follow the First 1 min to get Google Maps API Key
  • Google Maps Api Checker
  • 1. If you see the message “Geocoding service ok” and a Map of NY with 3 markers, it means the Google API key is ready to be used in our store locator apps
  • 2. If you don’t see the image of the Map, make sure you have enabled the “static Maps” service from the “Enabled API” section
  • Installation and configuration process time is between 3 and 5 business days after we receive all information above
  • This duration may extended if the customer didn’t provide the complete and correct information above
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